Small, dark purple elderberries from the Sambucus tree have been long cherished for centuries. As a natural remedy for various ailments, it is most notably associated with immune support. However, I want to share with you some lesser-known benefits of elderberry, along with creative ways you can use it to strengthen mental health and emotional resilience.
When most people think about holistic mental and emotional health remedies, aromatherapy and flower essences are the first to come to mind. However, herbs, too, have a unique ability to support, nourish and strengthen our stressed psyche. Elderberry is a great example of that.
We can refer to its deep purple color for our first clue into how it can benefit our mind, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Purple is connected with harmony, balance, and vein health (which is related to circulation of our blood). When we apply these benefits to our mindset and feelings, it means it will bring harmony, balance and circulation to our emotional state.
When emotions get stuck or congested, just like the immune system, we start to not feel good. Depression, sadness, loneliness, and overwhelm can set in. You may have ruminating thoughts and feelings, mental chatter, and feel that your boundaries are invaded. All these are signs that the immune system might not be as strong as you need it and needs some TLC.
Thus, elderberry, whether enjoyed as a tea, syrup, or supplement, can bring balance and harmony for better mental clarity and emotional resilience. To combat draining feelings or to keep emotions in balance so they don’t reach a distressing point, drink a cup of elderberry tea each day. If you notice a pattern of heightened feelings during a certain time of day, drink your tea one hour before that time period. This will help reduce the potential occurrence or minimize its severity. You can also enjoy a serving of elderberry syrup.
Let’s explore more out of the box benefits of elderberry.
Physical Benefits
Elderberry is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E. Not only are these important for immune health, but they also help with vision, respiratory, circulation, skin, hormone and gut health. Think about it. Eighty percent of your immune system starts in the gastrointestinal tract. When your gut is not healthy, your immune system is not healthy. When both are unhealthy, it inhibits adequate transmission and messaging of neurotransmitters (mindset fuel) and hormones (mood balancers). This is what contributes to depression, sadness, loneliness, and feeling overwhelmed.
When we don’t process emotions, or we bury them because we don’t want to deal with them, they go and hide in different organs. Grief for examples hides in the lungs, anger in the liver, fear in the kidneys, and excessive worry in the gut.
Elderberry tea or syrup is one way to help not only with this physical distress, but emotional disharmony as well. It can calm these emotions, so they don’t go “viral” or rampant in your mind, consuming your energy, and deprive you of sleep.
Having diuretic properties, elderberry helps to flush irritants and support the lymphatic system to keep moving, preventing stagnation.
Mental Benefits
Ever notice when you don’t feel good, you struggle to think clearly? You feel more confused, scattered, and unmotivated? Since gut and immune health are responsible for neurotransmitters doing their job optimally, we can see the benefit elderberry will have to help you mentally.
Its rich nutrient profile can influence to better cognitive function and decision making. Its antioxidants combat oxidative stress in the brain, which is a major factor in cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. By protecting brain cells and improving blood flow, elderberry can help maintain mental clarity and focus. My mom has dementia, and I notice a difference in her mental faculties after she drinks a cup of elderberry tea.
This is helpful because it also calms nerves and anxiety, often heightened with cognitive decline. By reducing these stresses, it helps promote a relaxation so you can unwind and prepare for restful sleep. This will further help reduce mental fatigue and boost overall productivity.
Emotional Benefits
Since elderberry has calming, relaxing, and balancing properties, it is ideal to nurture emotional well-being. Drinking elderberry tea can create a comforting ritual and foster a sense of calm and grounded energy. Its natural ability to reduce stress and anxiety can help you manage emotional imbalances and stressful situations, particularly during challenging times.
When you are on an emotional healing journey, different emotions will come up at different times. As a holistic healer, I see this time and time again. Sometimes, the emotions that pop up can be predicted. But most often, they can’t. You never know when an emotional memory or feeling can be triggered. This uncertainty can contribute to nervousness, anxiety, and depression.
Knowing this, you can better prepare by having nutrients that help you adapt and manage whatever comes your way. Elderberry tea and syrup are two ways to do this.
It’s mood-enhancing properties are also linked to its impact on gut health. As science increasingly reveals the connection between gut and mental health, elderberry’s prebiotic effects support healthy gut bacteria which may contribute to better emotional stability.
How to Incorporate Elderberry
To experience these benefits, consider brewing elderberry tea daily, especially during the colder months and during times of stress. I hear you laughing and saying, “every day is stressful.” So, yes, it’s ok to have a cup every day.
You can also use elderberry syrup in smoothies or take it as a supplement. I like to take it in the morning to star my day off right. If in the afternoon, I feel extra stressed, I take some more or have another cup of elderberry tea.
Additional Out of the Box Benefits
Elderberry is a true superfood, offering physical resilience, mental sharpness, and emotional balance. Here are 3 unique benefits you can get from elderberry that you may not have known.
• Helps when you feel your boundaries are invaded and you need strength to protect your energy.
• When you feel attacked or consumed by circumstances and situations and need room to breathe and have mental clarity.
• When you feel defeated and need a boost of willpower to stay motivated and push through limiting beliefs.
Whether you’re battling a cold, managing stress, boosting brain power, or simply wanting a soothing cup of tea, elderberry is a great holistic wellness tool. Sip a warm cup of elderberry tea and feel your body, mind, and soul coming into balance. The warmth is great to nurture you when you feel down or depressed. If you are battling anger, frustration or irritability, you may want a cup of cold elderberry tea or syrup.
If you want to uncover which of your emotions are ruling your mindset, take the Declutter your Mind Assessment. Learn where these emotions are manifesting themselves and get actionable solutions personalized to you.
Author: Jennifer H. Pressimone
Jennifer is a Clinical Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Aromatherapy Intuitive, and CEO of JennScents and JennScents Aromaversity. She helps and teaches others how to heal deeply to live fully using holistic aromatherapy and herbal remedies. She has over 22 years of experience working with thousands who want to elevate their health with holistic solutions. By addressing the mental and emotional connection related to health challenges, Jennifer helps and teaches others how to create personalized aromatic remedies to feel energized, motivated and aligned.
She is the author of numerous books. An internationally recognized expert in the field of holistic aromatherapy and personal development, Jennifer has been featured in media including New York Times, Massage Magazine, Women’s Health, Real Simple, and numerous industry podcasts. She’s been a presenter at many health and wellness conferences including the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, Botanica2024, large supplement company conventions, and Holistic Medicine Conference.
Jennifer is a graduate of the University of Central Florida with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, Spiritual PhytoEssencing Diploma, as well as numerous holistic health and aromatherapy certifications. She is the Regional Director and Vice-President for the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) and their 2023 recipient of the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy Lifetime Achievement Leadership award.